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tv   [untitled]    November 29, 2012 3:00am-3:30am EST

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vote on upgrading palestine's going status is expected to go in favor of the autonomy despite staunch resistance from israel and the west. egypt's top judge is joining the fight against president mohamed morsi with tens of thousands of egyptians now calling for the islamist leader to step down. and germany's political opposition lashes out of the country's leaders for lying about the true cost of the greek rescue as the german parliament is set to vote on the latest aid package for the struggling you've been.
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watching our new life from moscow was memory and joshie palestinians are eagerly anticipating thursday's you have a vote that could lead to the territory being granted statehood the autonomy is hoping to be upgraded from observer status to that of a nonmember observer state and there appears to be international support for the proposal despite strong opposition from israel and the united states journalist harry fear has more from gaza. the end of the day we have in here in the middle east we have an israeli state and then we have a normal palestinian state simply palestinian territories the palestinian people do not have rights like israelis do as a result of the status of national entity and so this is. by mahmoud abbas to upgrade the status of the palestinian territories. to try and move towards a recognition of the palestinian territories palestine and here in gaza this has
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a lot of significance because the palestinian territories geographically. contiguous that we have the west bank and gaza in the west bank particularly associated with the power of mahmoud abbas and here in gaza particular associated with the. recently of course we have the two thousand and twelve dollars a year seven eight day war with the state of israel and palestinian resistance groups including the resistance willing all of us as part of this on brigades used force against the state of israel in that conflict now that is starkly different in terms of positioning with the state of israel in terms of engaging with the state of israel in comparison to mahmoud abbas is really seen. in the western world as much more moderate in comparison to present in the hard line position including the resistance against the state of israel so what we have here is a palestinian political dynamic as well if the western world and the u.n. does not support this increase status for the palestinian people then what will
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almost certainly happen will be that mahmoud abbas is seen as even weaker of the palestinian national representative and hamas will be further strengthened to the dismay of israel and the united states. well one of the biggest questions concerning the possible recognition of palestinian statehood at the u.n. is whether that will put the peace process with israel back on track our policy here looks at what people in both camps expect. palestinian president mahmoud abbas still has to present his case to the united nations but his supporters are already cheering a move that promises palestinians more legal clout on the international stage ever they decide to take any punitive measures and unilateral steps against the palestinians it seems to me that we will have available international community and other means at holding them accountable and trying to restrain such unbridled joy and illegal behavior but the applause hides the growing frustration on the
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palestinian street it was little more than a year ago that a bus but for full u.n. membership that failed young activists like mark office treated that things have not changed a lot of people just feel. this is a free the feeling of that's that's been hurting us since. last march the main thing that we lost since also we had. to create people in forty years. like in a way they were you know want people now twenty years after almost twenty years after that. we have a lot of divisions within the society since the oslo agreement israeli settlement building has grown dramatically and to that the despair palestinians across the board feel in the peace process talks or stalled and there's been no direct negotiations for two years every coalition that has been in place since the peace
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process began twenty years ago has had with one fundamental which is build and expand more and more israeli settlements it's a view echoed among the political left in israel the israeli government led by binyamin it is not ready to pay the price of going to the. way they are doing it now not because they are so happy to the. but because it is an outlet for doing to achieve something in the international arena which they could not leave in the. netanyahu wants to start at the beginning renegotiating issues like this woman's borders and jerusalem but the palestinians say these have already been discussed and he simply moving the process backwards and with israeli prime minister netanyahu widely slated to win january's elections more and more palestinians fear that despite the fanfare in new york variability on
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the ground in ramana will not change anytime soon policy r.t. tel aviv washington for its part has been trying to persuade mahmoud abbas to drop the as you and bit earlier we talked to him as president of the manor out of freedom institute who explained why it's so important for the u.s. that a palestinian state remains and recognized. in my view washington is simply reflecting the position of israel or washington as far as american interests are concerned there is no real american interest per se national interest that is served by denying the recognition to the palestinians however there is a domestic political issue and that is that many of the members of congress believe that in less they stand by israel in its opposition to the recognition of the palestinian state at this time that they themselves would lose their seats so this is a matter of a domestic domestic politics for the united states rather than a question of foreign policy. while the u.s.
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support for israel and its disputes with palestine seems unflinching when it comes to other regional matters washington must learn to say no to this former statesman speaking of brezinski. you're not going to be making decisions for. more on line he thinks america's friendship should be limited just ahead of the program . and a further escalation of the crisis in age of the country's top judiciary have gone on strike to protest president morsi has decree that greatly enlarged his power more says move set off a nationwide wave of violence rallies with tens of thousands of egyptians calling for the islamist leader to stand down journalist bell true has the latest from cairo. and we've had to cairo is made to cool it with the country's major courts the constitutional court and the appeals court say they are going to strike of course the judges themselves are also used to on a partial strike the journey syndicates and their own so who are in strike two
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seeing really quite a lot of movement that from major sectors within egypt society which the president is really going to have to do with as things escalate on the streets as well fish caches do continue between protesters and the police which started early last week police have firing excessive amounts of tear gas and birdshot at dozens of protesters who are still in the streets reporting from the scene my colleague tom barton has more there in the streets or central cairo the sights the sounds the smells of protest and of civil just so it's a very loud and very clear tough race where is just over that a large crowd of protesters are ruling stones at the police who are giving just as much back picking up stones themselves and firing back along with them as vans firing gas canisters into the crowds the stench of tear gas is thick in the police a protest as everyone i like as there are used the noses. actually the militia to
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the gas has made itself kept tailless trying through the air as well all the pavements have been ripped up as have some of the branches of the trees it's a real street but these people absolutely determined to try to protest is somehow mcnair she was changing the way to make that declaration that he did want to themselves we think was last tuesday and we were relieved that mohamed morsi got to making democracy in this country but after within five five months of this or since i know since starting to run around this country i do use the despair of the lead all of the poems this country to be on this side of these people don't want the morsi is the president will say you know what i question what i think the just the for you everything this is what he already making that possible support of what they want completely missing the declaration. they
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have terrorist right. to bargain reporting there now morsi says he's fresh powers will expire with the implementation of a new constitution under pressure from protest and a sandwich drafting the charter promise to complete work on thursday but there are fears that as long this dominating the panel will impose their agenda on the document for the provoking street violence blogger and journalist while eskandar says there's a growing feeling that real democracy is a long way off. the fact of the matter is that everything is going in the opposite direction of what the revolution is called for the constituent assembly itself is a reflection of how unwilling to share power the muslim brotherhood are and along with mohamed morsi. he says that he will give back powers as soon as a parliament is a is elected but he's not allowing you gyptian to share in writing the constitution so this to me seems like a false promise about giving back power because the one thing he can do is allow
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dictions to write their own constitution and share power and he's not doing that to judiciary have been a tool for the mubarak regime but if we come to think of it when people protested mubarak they were protesting police brutality and we see that more she's giving promises to the police that they will act with impunity and does not want to bring anyone to justice for the crimes they've done the latest greek rescue deal has been hailed as a breakthrough in brussels but now it's time for the reman to pass through a national parliament in germany there's a growing chorus of frustration among lawmakers about the deal which is estimated to cost berlin hundreds of millions of euros peter oliver reports. the opposition members of the social democrat party have. a center right coalition that's the start is not merely a rubber stamping service and if they want to push through this latest package they're going to have to prove to m.p.'s that it's in the best interest of germany
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what this latest package contains is a bond buyback scheme which would lower outstanding bones in private hands to thirty five cents on the euro now it would also see lower interest rates on meet the debts that greece has as well as the hunting over of profit from. what they see and surely means is that for twenty thirteen germany is set to lose around seven hundred thirty million euros due to implementing these latest measures all of that of course not making great reading for chancellor merkel she said time and time again that the german taxpayer would not be hit financially by germany giving help to greece now they have to admit that that is going to happen and it's still happening on the basis that greece can pay some of it back by twenty sixteen where it should be back on its feet almost considering the current state of the greek
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economy not an optimistic statement to make the opposition i mentioned the social democrats they're saying that any to perish on debt restructuring for greece will have to wait until after the general election takes place here in germany so with the chancellor of the election starting to come into view and. a century being politically embarrassed by having to go back on a promise she's made all stern to be a very interesting to pay when german politicians discuss the latest financial aid package for greece. for more international news after the short break. a lovely quiet morning a family gently sleeps in district heights maryland when fifty armed f.b.i.
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agents storm the house and guns drawn despite the family pleading that they were unarmed the law enforcement agents opened fire on a weaponless teenager my asian huli thankfully sholay suffered minor flesh wounds but the key issue is that it remains unknown as to why the house was stormed so here in america for no reason guys in black uniform storm someone's house a loaded some rounds and left with no justification or explanation yes the family still doesn't know why this happened the f.b.i. is remaining silent you know i understand that there are some very bad individuals out there doing some very bad stuff at home but if you don't even really know whose house or storming or why you're storming it then maybe you should lay off the siege for a while you know what take a few minutes to think it over have a cup of coffee and maybe even do a little google search about the fourth amendment but that's just my opinion.
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wolf to the. technology innovation all the news developments from around russia we've got the future covered. the great russian warriors. prevailing over hazards and asperity.
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to reenact an epic parade through paris. can they complete. with people's admiration for two hundred. more news today violence is once again fled up. these are the images go and seeing from the streets of canada. china operations are today.
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welcome back here with r.t. now the syrian opposition based within the country is accusing to give allowing foreign mercenaries access through its territory into syria to cause more violence the group also warned western arab states against meddling in the syrian affairs by backing certain rebel factions turkey france britain and persian gulf motto moderate he's given their full endorsement for foreign based opposition coalition pledging the more support from abroad in their fight against the government as the international community remains divided as to how to and the syrian crisis a key regional player iran is looking to play a greater role in resolving the conflict is more your financial reports from tehran . the conflict in syria sees no end but iran a key regional power and indicated ally of syria is continuing and intensifying its efforts for a peaceful resolution to shuttle diplomacy has been spread by the head of the iranian column and ali larijani
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a very influential politician here in iran known worldwide as a former chief negotiator for iran's nuclear program has written stopovers have included meetings with president bashar al assad in syria hezbollah in lebanon and turkey is leader now he's in iraq iran's president mahmoud ahmadinejad up those after his by discussing how to bring peace to syria with the leaders of egypt and turkey at a recent summit in pakistan and just to underline the diplomatic mission to find new and violent and to the civil war on its doorstep dead on offer to host representatives from all sides of the fighting in syria at a closed door today gathering dubbed no to violence yes democracy took his request for nate to missiles to be deployed on its border with syria drew the scorn of iran's foreign ministry who said all that would do is aggravate tensions across the whole region and violence has actually already intensified following the latest interventions from western and some arab diplomats when the syrian opposition
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formed the syrian national coalition as and see it quickly received recognition as a legitimate voice of the people from the likes of britain and france which even back its conviction by confirming it would send one to help million dollars to get the new organization up and running the dividing lines inside syria have been played out and told wider by the international community and it's divided approach was no call to nation the ordinary syrians caught up in the crossfire don't know where they stand apart from a hail of shells and bullets or if national t.v. reporting from iran. bought iran is pursuing peace in syria still facing the threat of war on home soil or its nuclear program is. that has long been threatening our military strike which analysts say could come as early as january by this case israel shouldn't count on u.s. support and that's the view of one of america's most renowned statesman zbigniew brzezinski who was speaking at a conference co-hosted by the national rain american council i don't think there is
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any. in the united states. to follow like you know. do you decide to start a war simply. to magically be drawn into it i think it is the obligation of friendship to say well you're not going to be making decisions for us . policy director for the national iranian american council told us the u.s. may find itself drawn into a war with iran even against its wishes. whether the u.s. blindly backs israel or follows bibi netanyahu into a military conflict with iran i think that remains to be seen but i would say that the same policies that we've seen the pressure policies some of the lack of flexibility in being able to negotiate has been driven by the influence of hawkish pro israel lobbies in congress and here in washington and that. you know
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for the u.s. and frankly for israel if that is not a policy that is is beneficial to their interests at the end of the day we're faced with either a diplomatic resolution to this standoff or we see the escalating pressure the escalating antagonism that cannot survive indefinitely that eventually is going to reach a tipping point and whether it's deliberate or it's accidental we're going to end up in a war. online at r.t. dot com find out why there is one last witness in a high profile multi-million dollar money laundering case here and russia. after the mysterious death of one russian exiled businessman who was expected to deliver key evidence to the investigation. plus there is confusion surrounding a billion dollar gas deal between ukraine and a spanish contract there was
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a clear wondering if it's all a sham. then the fans team for u.s. soldier bradley manning has accused of releasing secret army files to weaken the claims he was abused and detention attorney how disease believes manning started playing paying for his alleged crimes long before the trial for nine months he was held in a marine base in quantico which i mention marine because manning is in the army so is already strained now at this marine brig he was held in solitary confinement in a very restricted schedule he was not allowed to do exercise in his cell he was not allowed to lie down in a cell all day here where the sit up without leaning back against the wall all day he got out one hour a day for exercise and so it was a very restrictive environment no good reason that all the military says is that protect him and the bradley nearly killed it and his lawyer who it was punishment
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for for a crime which would violate the very sort of justice so. there's a motion to dismiss has been filed and that's what's being already this week dismissed because of pretrial punishment up next capital account of lauren lester after a short break. the legacy no one should be proud of. scrap metal littering pristine arctic landscape building stilton over their foundation pipes spewing black smoke over the snow covered peaks the traces of the soviet industrial activity on the burgen archipelago don't make a pretty picture the guiding principle here is the worse the better locals like to tell the story that back in soviet times when norwegians were visiting barons were they also an express lane. and how prosperous this was well
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times have obviously a change when they saw it lags they still attracting the region tourists are barons work i would then cons watch native cash that's why while. our goal is common as was uncovered here a few days ago instead of throwing it away the local administration decided to paint the bin you and put it at variance work central square that can do nine hundred eighty bearings work was a burgeoning mining community the soviet union was determined to maintain its own cost to locate it halfway between north america and western europe bergen archipelago is part of norway with a special status that allows other countries to set up industrial bases here in the middle of the cold war it served as the use of western most outposts now it's one of the soviet union's last preserved relics. of the soviet union if it was cut off from any financial support for two decades
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it's a curious interest and i think it could be even more appealing for russian strategies to keep its presence on spitsbergen russia still maintaining a coal mine here but in terms of profit is far behind local shops so between. bill it is a big hit the defunct arn curtain still helps keep the money flowing because it's so rushing through your show what you can put in robles are almost enough to grow your local administration is increasingly under pressure to bring the infrastructure up to more than standards if these modernization efforts and not very popular with tourist operators if you come into a very authentic place like. it should stay the way it is that would be my wish i mean that's the part also the little you know authentic traditionally opulent. i should not i would not like to have it in the shiny condition to be on those the
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time to change even for the better is not always good for business something that even the local band has become attuned to when they try to add the morning rush and songs to their repertoire of the audience called all they wanted to hear it was a song comfortably familiar. good afternoon welcome to capital account i'm laurin the store here in washington d.c. these are headlines for wednesday november twenty eighth two thousand and twelve it's been more than a decade since argentina defaulted on its debt but the saga continues with creditors to this day a new york court ruling just last week came down pretty hard for the country according to the financial times and could benefit creditors like vulture funds in
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general but what influence the economic development of latin american countries like argentina more broadly versus say their neighbors to the north james robert robinson author of why nations fail is here to discuss and here in the west president brought. obama reportedly speaks with corporate c.e.o.'s from firms like caterpillar and goldman sachs about fiscal cliff solutions here's what he said to the public. and i'll go anywhere and i'll do whatever it takes to get this done it's too important for washington to screw this up. but it's washington and really once again the nation's economic fate may be held hostage by negotiations at the highest levels of government where this is patently we'll talk about it plus manufacturing is slowing and businesses are worried about the fiscal cliff that's according to the fed's beige book out today what is the beige book anyway and who cares we'll tell you why it matters and word of the day let's get to today's capital account.
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when we talk about economic development or prospects on this show we typically talk about debt about private sector innovation we talk about monetary policy probably much of the time we talk about fiscal policy we don't often on this show talk about economic prosperity is primarily a function of political institutions but that's what our next guest thinks is the most crucial maybe we have it all wrong here at least if you believe political institutions play the role that james robinson does his research or a comparative economic and political development he's the david lawrence professor of government at harvard university and he is author of the book why nations fail
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so thank you for being on the show works i didn't have you wanted to talk about things from this perspective but one pleasure. yes so what role do political institutions in your view play in economic growth why are they so crucial and why is this distinction between inclusive than extracted so crucial well let me let me start by saying that everything you mentioned before was absolutely really important you know integration what could be more important innovation called true because school policy that's absolutely important but the thing is that none of that stuff comes in a vacuum but you know policy is an outcome of the political process and innovation and innovation in society you know which is fundamentally the thing which makes the united states so dynamic an economically and it's been the technology leader for one hundred fifty years hundred eighty years but also it's not a coincidence it's not a common sense where some countries are more innovative in others and that's to.


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